Last Updated: 7/17/2024
The Lynxspring Technical Support Operational Polices & Procedures is provided to subscribed business partners of Lynxspring, Inc. and is herein defined as it relates to the expedition of responsibilities, policies, and procedures. This document sets forth those policies upon which the support program is established, to include the processes, methods, and procedures for compliance. Our purpose is to publish a document describing the functions of Lynxspring’s Technical Support commitment by defining those guiding policies to accomplish an effective and continually improving system of customer service. Our desire is to ensure an efficient means to provide that support and thereby maintain professional relationships and satisfy customer expectations.
Except with respect to any other Agreement between Lynxspring, Inc. and the Customer, in the event of any conflict between this Technical Support Published Operating Procedures and any applicable Customer purchase orders, agreements or contracts which conflict with any of the policies or procedures set forth in this document, the terms and procedures of this document shall take precedence. In any event, the terms, and provisions of any other Agreement between Lynxspring, Inc. and the Customer shall prevail over all other documents, understandings, and agreements.
Escalation Levels: Low – references a misunderstanding of documentation or misapplication of hardware, software, commissioning, deployment procedure, programming, or general questions.
Medium – references an issue arising while following documented procedures wherein a support analysis is required to resolve the deficiency.
High – references products not in substantial conformance to the functional specifications for that hardware or software.
Support Levels:
Low-Level Support – Requiring a general knowledge or technical expertise for resolution.
Medium-Level Support – Requiring experienced technical skills to replicate issues and apply diagnostics to provide a work-around or authoritative resolution.
High-Level Support – Requiring engineer level technical expertise to modify software or hardware for a permanent resolution to be included on all future releases.
Severity Level – Descriptor assigned to a reported issue such that the seriousness of the issue is communicated to support associates. Severity levels are oftentimes determined by a customer’s necessity.
Replacement Product – Hardware and/or software that meets the functional specification of a product with the intent of providing temporary or permanent replacement relief for a problem.
Inside Support – Assistance provided by telephone or email to customers from the Lynxspring Support team.
Telephone Availability – Hours providing inside support for Lynxspring products. Current Availability 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Central Standard Time, excluding weekends and United States holidays.
Response Time – Defined as that time (during Telephone Availability) from which the Customer reports an issue to the time of Lynxspring Support’s first response.
Online Support – Assistance provided via internet connection to a customer’s remote PC.
Products – Defined as the currently supported versions of software and/or hardware delivered to Customer by Lynxspring. The functional specifications of which are set out in documentation provided to the Customer by Lynxspring in electronic format. This may also include future updates, enhancements or modifications created by Lynxspring for Customers, but excluding any subsequent enhancements providing additional functionality and considered new products.
End User – Defined as Lynxspring’s customer’s customer.
Support – Defined as the ongoing assistance provided by the Lynxspring Support Department for resolutions and customer satisfaction.
Relief – Defined as the Customer’s operation no longer being at risk to a particular problem.
On-site Support – Defined as support provided at a customer’s site or an End User’s premises.
Professional Support – An internal Lynxspring department providing programming, integration, design, engineering, or other related services both on and off site.
a) Lynxspring will not accept support calls from Customer’s End Users unless such services are provided through our Professional Services as a separate support agreement.
b) Low-Level Support is the responsibility of the Customer. Lynxspring provides all customers with access to, which provides detailed documentation to answer questions regarding low-level support issues. All customers are required to have a Niagara certified employee on staff. Low-level support efforts should first be directed to the Niagara certified employee on staff, and then to Lynxspring if not resolved.
c) Medium-Level Problem verification is the responsibility of the Customer; Medium-Level Support is the responsibility of Lynxspring. Customers are expected to review documentation provided at to ensure that their application of the product is correct. If the issue is still not resolved, Lynxspring will assist our customer with troubleshooting the problem.
d) High-Level Problem verification and High-Level Support are the responsibility of Lynxspring.
e) Customers shall ensure that at least one current staff person has been fully trained on the Products, including Niagara certification. This requirement is waived if the Customer enters into a separate support contract with Lynxspring where Lynxspring is being contracted separately to provide all levels of support.
f) Customer shall provide and maintain a demo platform for the products which can be used by their own internal support staff. Lynxspring will supply such test platform at Customer prices for product and normal services fees upon the request of the Customer.
g) Customer, at its discretion, must act reasonably to determine the Severity Level of a reported problem to the Lynxspring Support group by using the following table as a guideline of Severity Level and the appropriate contact methods for reporting that problem to Lynxspring:
When Customer initiates a support problem to Lynxspring, the Lynxspring Support group shall require:
a) Customer company name.
b) Contact’s name, phone number (including extension), and email address.
c) Brief description of the problem such as one that could fit in a subject field of an email.
d) Support ticket number – if a continuance for an existing problem or notification of additional information on an issue.
e) Severity Level of problem.
f) Lynxspring product name, version number, and program application if relevant.
g) Detailed description of issue including steps to reproduce the same.
h) In any subsequent email communication with technical support about an active or dormant ticket it is always necessary for tracking purposes that the Customer replies to the original ticketed email response generated by Lynxspring’s ticketing system. Include this reference number also when calling the support line or note this number in your voice mail messages.
Response Time Goals
Lynxspring will use its best efforts to achieve the following Response and Relief Times subject to Telephone Availability hours of operation.
Replacement Parts
Replacement parts are considered new orders and are subject to the document published as the Lynxspring Terms & Conditions of Product Sale.
On Site Support
On Site Professional Services Support is chargeable by Lynxspring at their current rates. Travel time is billable, and travel expenses are recoverable. Lynxspring will provide a quote for a service contract to provide On Site Professional Support related to Products upon the written request of the Customer.