A group of three federal buildings that were built in the 1960’s and 1970’s, made several attempts to upgrade building operational controls and systems resulting in a myriad of systems that provided different siloed “islands” of connectivity and control. Since these legacy systems did not share information, having building technicians service and run the equipment was difficult and cumbersome at best.
Incorporating Lynxspring’s open, intelligent building technology and operating system—nine different manufacturer’s equipment and systems, three network management tools, and two building automation software packages were consolidated. A single-source, real-time and graphically consistent building infrastructure for all devices was used. In addition, a 24-hour, internet-based alarm monitoring system was added to warn maintenance supervisors of any pending building control issues.
The solution is overseeing thousands of nodes and over 18,000 points, using products from 14 different manufacturers and installed by five different contractors—all of which are now integrated and controlled centrally.
Managers can now read real-time energy and operational data and send commands to and from different devices enabling them to take immediate action to help manage energy consumption and costs, correct comfort problems and incorporate smart operational building management practices.
Learn how Lynxspring can best support your next smart building integration project by requesting additional information or a demo.